Teens Musical Theatre
Embark on a transformative journey with our immersive Musical Theatre course designed exclusively for teens at Acting Performance Studio. Our professional Musical Theatre tutors go beyond conventional teaching, auditioning each student for all potential roles in the Musical Theatre shows, fostering individual growth as both a human and performer. This class is more than just a learning experience; it's a stage where your unique talents are not only nurtured but also allowed to flourish.
Course Highlights
Triple Threat Training:
Immerse yourself in comprehensive training encompassing singing, dancing, and acting. Cultivate the essential skills to become a versatile triple threat performer.
Explore Musical Variety:
Take a captivating musical journey, delving into different genres and iconic productions throughout the term. From timeless Broadway classics to contemporary hits, broaden your repertoire and discover the richness of musical theatre.
Engage in dynamic vocal and physical warm-ups that set the stage for exciting class activities, ensuring you're ready to shine in every performance.
Professional Guidance:
Learn from highly experienced tutors who are not just educators but also professional working Musical Theatre performers. Benefit from their wealth of knowledge and real-world insights.
• Mid-Year Showcase (August 4th): Display your evolving talents in a spectacular mid-year Musical Theatre event that marks your progress and showcases your artistic growth.
• End-of-Year Performance (December 1st): Conclude the year with a grand Musical Theatre performance, celebrating the journey you've undertaken and the skills you've developed.
In the APS Musical Theatre class, there is a significant emphasis on true storytelling, bringing characters to life on the stage. Our approach encourages you to connect with the heart of each musical, ensuring a genuine and captivating performance. Join us on this magical journey, where every note, step, and emotion become part of your artistic symphony. Let your passion for Musical Theatre soar with APS!
<p><img src="https://ish-oncourse-apstudio.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/a60057dc-2db9-4ead-a194-47512bca018d" alt="" /></p>
<p>Embark on a transformative journey with our immersive Musical Theatre
...TERM 3 2024
This class is for students that are in grades 7 through 12.
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